Japanese landscape

Japanese landscape

Visiting Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine at night is fantastic and beautiful! Things to be careful about when visiting the shrine at night

Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine is open 24 hours a day, with no admission fee. Things to be aware of when visiting at night: You may encounter wild animals. (Stay calm and leave the area without provoking them.) The toilets are closed at night.
Japanese landscape

Kyoto|The history of Imamiya Shrine’s specialty “Aburi Mochi” and the difference between “Ichiwa” and “Kazariya”

Imamiya Shrine's "Aburi Mochi" is the oldest Japanese confectionery in Japan, dating back to the Heian period. It is called a candy that wards off evil.
Japanese landscape

Jonangu Shrine in Fushimi, Kyoto, Superb view of Shinen surrounded by sweet scent “Weeping plum and camellia festival”

At Jonangu Shrine in Kyoto, the Weeping Plum and Camellia Festival is held every year from mid-February to late March. The view of the "Spring Mountain," where 150 red and white weeping plum trees are planted, is a spectacular sight.
Japanese landscape

It feels so good! Take a walk along the shore of “Lake Biwa” Otsu Port

Nagisa Park is 4.8km long from Otsu Port along the lake shore to Otsu Prince Hotel, and there are parking lots and toilets at various points. People can freely enjoy walking, jogging, fishing, and more here.