Cut bad ties and make good ones! One of Kyoto’s best power spots “Yasui Konpira Shrine”

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It is no exaggeration to say that a happy life is determined by connections. This is because everything that surrounds me today was born out of “connections.”

It is important to choose between “good connections ” and “bad connections ” for yourself, but there is a ” chance meeting” that cannot be managed by one’s own power alone.

You won’t know whether a marriage partner with whom you will spend your entire life or a job that you can devote your life to is a “good relationship” or a “bad relationship” until a certain amount of time has passed. And the most important thing is to be healthy, but this also depends greatly on the ingredients and the people you meet with the cook.

And in order to form a “good relationship”, we must first break the “bad relationship”. This is because, even if you are blessed with a good relationship, if you have a “bad relationship”, it will get in the way of forming a “good relationship”.

In this way, I think that the ” chance meeting” where a force like “luck” works is a mysterious force that cannot be felt normally.

Therefore, this time, I would like to introduce one of Kyoto’s best power spots, “Yasui Konpira Shrine”, which is said to be the place to ” Cut bad ties “.

You may have thought, ” Cut bad ties?”, but Emperor Sutoku (Emperor Sutoku), the god of festivals, is said to “cut off all bad relationships that hinder happy men and women,” so there are also benefits of marriage.

History of Yasui Kinpira Shrine

Yasui Konpira Shrine is said to have originated in the Asuka period when Fujiwara Kamashi prayed for the prosperity of his family and built a temple. At that time, it was called “Fuji (wisteria) Temple” because it planted purple wisteria.

It is said that the Emperor Sutoku liked this wisteria and renovated the temple tower, which was deserted, and made his beloved Awanonaishi live there.

After that, Emperor Sutoku was defeated in the Hogen Rebellion (1156) and exiled to Sanuki (present-day Kagawa Prefecture), where he died in Sanuki in 1164 (Chokan 2).

After the death of Emperor Sutoku, various misfortunes happened to the capital, so rumors spread that it was a grudge against Emperor Sutoku, and he was feared as a grudge. This is known as one of the “Three Great Grudges” along with the grudges of Sugawara Michizane and Taira Masakado.

Then, in 1177 (Zishio 1), when Daien Hoshi locked himself in the temple and practiced, the spirit of Emperor Sutoku appeared and showed the prosperity of the declining “Fuji (wisteria) Temple” in the past, and the Komyoin Kanshoji Temple, which was the origin of the Yasui Kinpira Shrine, was built.

At the time of the Komyoin Temple, it was devastated by the fire of the Onin War, but in 1695 (Genroku 8), the Rengekoin temple in Uzumasa Yasui in Kyoto City was moved to this place, and in addition to Emperor Sutoku, it is said that it enshrined Oomononusinokami (the great lord god) who was solicited from the Kotohiragu Shrine Palace in Sanuki and Prince Minamoto Yorimasa.

As a result, it became known as “Yasui no Konpira-san”, and after the Meiji Restoration, it was renamed “Yasui Shrine”, and then “Yasui Konpira Shrine”, and it continues to this day.

Why it became said to cut bad ties

The reason why “Yasui Konpira Shrine” is worshipped as a place of prayer for marriage is that Emperor Sutoku was saddened by the fact that he was forced to part with his beloved Awanonaishi due to battle, and he cut off all greed at the “Kotohiragu Shrine” in Sanuki and went to worship.

And it was the thought of Emperor Sutoku that cut off all the bad relationships that hindered a happy man and woman, and it became a place of prayer for marriage.

A huge stone for cutting off bad ties and creating good ones

In the precincts of Yasui Konpira Shrine, you can see ema with earnest wishes written on top of each other. One of the most eye-catching is a strange boulder covered with white bills.

This is called the ” Cut bad ties and make good ones Monument”, and it is said that the power of God is poured into the hole in the center of the monument.

Marriage Marriage Monument

Order of Prayer

The prayer procedure is as follows, so please be careful not to make any mistakes.

  1. Write your wish on the katashiro (substitute tag)
  2. Go through the hole from the front of the monument (this will cut off the bad edge)
  3. From the back of the monument, go through the hole and come out (this will make a good relationship)
  4. Finally, a katashiro with a wish written on it is attached to the monument

It is said that there is no hindrance to visiting couples and lovers who are connected by a good relationship, and the relationship will not be broken, so it is recommended to visit with your loved ones.
